Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Historical Investigation, Day 1 - Class Recap

The White House in Washington, D.C., 2011.

Hello everyone,

Thank you for doing your homework and visiting the blog! As I said in class, I think this is a really helpful resource for students, staff, and parents to be able to follow along with what is happening. After every class, I will write up a recap and post it. Most of the time, your only homework will be to read over the blog and be prepared for what is coming next in class. With that, let's get started!

Soundtrack: "Changes" by 2Pac. I always choose this song to start off a new class with, because I like the idea of our room being somewhat different from your other experiences in high school. This song also has all sorts of lyrics that relate to American Studies, like the line "instead of a War on Poverty, they got a War on Drugs, so the police can bother me." Check out the full lyrics here.

AGENDA 2/11/14:
Letter to Class/Mr. Fritz
The Blog
Create Ground Rules
News Briefs/Historical Investigation Work

Homework: Check the blog and post a comment! Keep working on your historical investigation! The first news brief is assigned to Brooklyn.

Introductions/Attendance: At the start of class, I introduced myself and apologized for being two weeks late in arriving to start the semester. Had I known that I would have had a class, I certainly never would have booked the vacation I was on! With all of that said and done, I am absolutely delighted to be at Westview for the rest of this school year.

I took attendance and tried to ask everyone how they wanted me to address them. It will take me some time, but eventually, I will know everyone's names, I promise!

Letter to Class/Mr. Fritz: After attendance was done, I passed out a letter that I wrote to the class, explaining all about who I am and what sort of expectations I have. Hopefully, most of it was interesting information! I like passing these out and signing them all individually. To me, it represents that I really am interested in everyone in my class.

After reading the letter aloud, I asked everyone to write back to me in a similar sort of fashion. I gave a bunch of possible questions to answer as prompts and about 30 minutes or so to complete the assignment. I LOVE reading these and writing back to everyone! Thank you for your effort - I can't wait to learn a little bit more about who you are!

The Blog: Next, I introduced this website. If you are here, you have the web address down correctly! I also demonstrated how to post a comment, which is homework. This should take about one minute. Quite possibly the easiest homework assignment of all time. Please remember to keep checking back, especially if you were confused about something in class, or missed a day!

Create Ground Rules: Ahh, yes. The awkward process. You did not do too badly with this! The rules that you came up with and agreed to as an entire class are:

1. Come Prepared
2. Respect
3. Try to Stay Engaged
4. Listen to Others
5. Keep an Open Mind

I will be working to make sure everyone, including myself, is following the ground rules! Thank you for participating in this exercise.

News Briefs/Historical Investigation Work: To end class, I talked about the "news brief" concept, with is basically a current event that will start each class. If you are assigned to do the news brief, all you have to do is find a story that has recently (say, within the last week) happened in the United States. A good resource for this could be CNN.com. After you have found the article, either print it or comment/email me the link, then be ready to just talk about what is in the story in class. No writing, no presenting, no standing (unless you want) - just know what the article is about, because I will ask you questions. Hopefully, this will be a good way to look at what is currently happening in the US and relate it to what has happened in the past.

Finally, I came around and chatted with a few students about where they are in regards to the historical investigation project. Much more to come on that in the coming days, but I did want to just get a general sense of where you were. Next class, we will get back to working on it!

Thank you for reading! See you next class!


  1. Doing my homework before I forget!

  2. Who's your favorite superhero?

    1. Does Luke Skywalker not count? What are my options?

    2. Any superhero counts. My favorite is either iron man or spiderman because both came from planet Earth and are funny.

    3. So, are you saying that you are discriminatory against non-Earth born superheroes? Superman is now sobbing in a corner from hurt feelings. ;-) But yeah, I guess I would say Batman, because he isn't *really* a super hero. Just an extra cool guy.

    4. Haha, poor Superman. Dont worry, I still love non-Earth born superheros, including Thor and his outerspace friends. Batman is totally a superhero, though. He gained his own powers and rose up against evil villians to become a hero. Plus, besides being an extra cool guy, he lives in a mansion and owns a bunch of cool toys! ;)

    5. See, that would totally be the best part of being Batman. OOH, that makes me think: does James Bond count as a superhero? He's kind of similar, and miraculously seems to always avoid being shot, etc. I would love to be James Bond and travel everywhere with all of his Q-branch supplied gadgets.

  3. Yes, James Bond counts!! He survives the unsurvivable and gets away with ANYTHING. He does seem to have the best job ever. What about superheros that were born with natural gifts, such as invisibility, impossible strength, or laser vision? What super power would you want to have?

  4. Whew! James Bond it is. If I could have a super power... this is going to be pretty obvious, given that I talked so much about how I love to travel and be on planes, but I would love to have the ability to fly. How great would that be? "Okay guys, peace out, I'm headed home for the day." (*jumps and takes off from Westview, headed back out over Highway 26*)

  5. Being able to fly would be amazing. You could have so much fun with that. :D I'd love the power of telekinesis so I could move objects with my mind and freak people out. Does having a super power mean that you are obliged to save people? For all we know, there could be civilians with super powers that would rather stay secret instead of facing the responsibility of saving the whole world. Of course, thats just assuming all super powers are actually helpful. But I would think, if you had the ability to save people, you would do so?

    1. Hmm. I'm not so sure this is a difficult question. Would I save people if I could, if I *didn't* have a superpower? Of course. So if I have a super power and am not willing to do the same in saving people, am I not just abusing the super power and becoming evil in the process?

  6. Ah, very true. I should digress. I have some lit homework to finish before tomorrow because I procrastinate way too much...I think I've accomplished finishing this assignment, though. ;)

    1. I think you are correct! Thanks for stopping by. See you on Thursday! :-)

  7. Hey it's Brandon M. Doing my h.w now.

  8. Hey Mr.Fritz it's me Jake Martin just doing my homework, hope it doesn't get harder than this because i am drained!

  9. Eoghan Hopkins here, doing homework. what else would I do in these comment sections?

  10. Hey, Mr.Fritz.


Please enter your comment. I will review the comments before posting them to the blog, so do not worry if yours does not pop up right away. Remember, do your best with spelling and grammar! :-)