Monday, May 12, 2014

Cold War America, Day 8 - Class Recap

This is at the top of the highest mountain in Vietnam - Fansipan. It was quite the memorable journey to climb up (and down), let me tell you! Photo taken in 2011.

Hi everyone,

Welcome back! Today was the last full day of class content before we really move in to the last big project of the year - a Cold War newspaper that you will be working on creating. Start thinking about this!

Learning Targets:
SS.HS.KN.ALT.09: I can identify how technological knowledge and innovation shapes a society, place, or region.
SS.HS.KN.ALT.17: I can explain the process of change and continuity in a society, place or region.
SS.HS.KN.ALT.23: I can describe the influences, impacts and resolutions of historical conflicts.

Soundtrack: “Born in the U.S.A." by Bruce Springsteen. Selected because this is a song about the Vietnam experience - especially how bad it was upon returning home. Some people see this as a patriotic song. The lyrics (which I read out loud in class) suggest otherwise.

AGENDA 5/12/14:
Lyrics/News Brief
Vietnam War PowerPoint
Political Cartoons/Visual Metaphors
Letters Home 

Homework: Read the blog! Think about what you want to do for your newspaper date/topic! Next news brief: Brooklyn (because Eric was absent).

News Brief: Laura chose an article about this story: - Why study when 15,000 retweets can eliminate a high school final? No, I will not be making any of these deals with students! I have a twitter account and love it - I recognize the power of social media! Thanks, Laura.

Vietnam War PowerPoint: I started this section by showing this clip which highlights some of the basics of the war in Vietnam: - Vietnam War History: The Road to War. Most of class was spent going through this. All of the pictures used in the presentation are my own - mostly from my trip to Vietnam to visit a friend in 2011. Also, I tried to listen to feedback about note taking, and made a template of notes for everyone to fill out.

I know this was a lot of information. I have have been saying that a lot recently. My hope is that by these big overviews, you will find something that you connect to and are passionate about exploring in more depth. I loved all the questions during this! The more, the merrier! Thanks for taking great notes!

Political Cartoons/Visual Metaphors: One of the elements in your upcoming Cold War newspaper assignment is thinking of a political cartoon or visual metaphor for what you are reporting on. I tried to give a bunch of different examples. Here are a few that I showed:

Political cartoon involving my mom (Portland City Commissioner Amanda Fritz) and her position on reservoir covers: - Fritz Political Cartoon

Visual metaphor: the Earth melting like an ice cream cone (due to Climate Change).

Visual metaphor: bombs away at a toilet. (Eww.)

Next, I passed out examples of political cartoons during the Vietnam War and had groups of students do a quick analysis about what they were trying to say. Those examples can be found here: - Vietnam War Cartoons.

Letters Home: We did not have the chance to look at a few letters home from soldiers during the war. There are plenty of resources online for you to do this, if you are interested! Thanks again for your focus! Let's get after it next class with the start of the project! :-)

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