Friday, May 2, 2014

Cold War America, Day 5 - Class Recap

Some of the "survival crackers" in the Western Oregon University fallout shelter. Note the date - 1964. There were a TON of these in the shelter. I took this picture in 2007.

Dear class,

I'm not sure about you, but I felt like this week was extra tiring, for some reason. I fell asleep at my desk at home last night! I was glad that we were able to finish strong today with an interesting documentary. Here's what happened:

Learning Targets:
SS.HS.KN.ALT.09: I can identify how technological knowledge and innovation shapes a society, place, or region.
SS.HS.KN.ALT.17: I can explain the process of change and continuity in a society, place or region.
SS.HS.KN.ALT.23: I can describe the influences, impacts and resolutions of historical conflicts.

Soundtrack: “Each Day Gets Better" by John Legend. Because of many different elements of getting better: the weather, your work, and hopefully the class and my job as a teacher! Lyrics here.

AGENDA 5/2/14:
News Brief
Review Class Feedback
Finish Atomic Cafe

Homework: Read the blog! Next news brief: Eli.

News Brief: Robin had the news brief today and chose this article to talk about: - 'Complete destruction': 2 die, dozens hurt as explosion shatters Florida jail. We wondered in class if this was at all related to the huge amount of rain on the East Coast this past week. Some pretty crazy weather, with a 90 degree day here on the First of May, too!

Review Class Feedback: It was great to go over this with everyone! Here were the questions I asked students to anonymously respond to:

1. What do you like about this class and what is this class good at?
2. What does the class need to improve on?
3. What do you like about Mr. Fritz as a teacher?
4. What can Mr. Fritz get better at?
5. How is Mr. Fritz doing at communicating and assessing learning targets for proficiency grading?

Here's what your feedback looked like:

As usual, this was a mix of funny and serious responses. My takeaway is that we like discussions, know that phones need to be put away way more, that my energy is good, and that I could probably go slower and explain a bit more from time to time. Thanks for the feedback, everyone!

Finish Atomic Cafe: I passed out a more general sheet of questions to respond to for the second half of the movie, which can be found here:

Here is the film to watch again, if you were interested or missed class (we started at about 35:00 in and finished it in class):

Discuss: At the end of class, we had a few minutes to go over different responses. I really liked hearing your suggestions for activities that we do today that might seem crazy or silly in 40 years. History is so interesting!

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!

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