Something I care a lot about in our local community is supporting the Portland Thorns women's professional soccer team, to help sustain a professional league for women in the United States. I helped paint this banner for the start of a season! Photo taken in 2015.
Our last week of 2018 together! As promised, today was a work day on the Activism Project, which I assigned at the start of the month and will be due next class, on Thursday. Here's what we did today in class:
Learning Targets Addressed:
Behavior LT 2: I can manage my responsibilities as a student.
Communication LT 1: I can communicate effectively, both verbally and in writing.
Knowledge LT 16: I can explain the process of change and continuity in a society, place, or region.
Knowledge LT 19: I can explain the role and impacts of social hierarchies.
Communication LT 1: I can communicate effectively, both verbally and in writing.
Knowledge LT 16: I can explain the process of change and continuity in a society, place, or region.
Knowledge LT 19: I can explain the role and impacts of social hierarchies.
Soundtrack: "The Times They Are A-Changin'" by Bob Dylan. Selected for today because of our work trying to identify what we want to change in the world via the activism project. Lyrics here.
AGENDA 12/18/18:
Wildcat News Brief – Grace
Activism Project
Work Time
Grade Check
Wildcat News Brief: Grace had the news brief today and selected an article about this story to talk about: - In reversal, White House shifts border wall funding demands, wants to avoid shutdown. After discussing the story, we also checked in to see if anyone was up to anything interesting or fun outside of class over the weekend.
McKenzie was selected to do the next news brief.
As part of the news brief, we also watched the one minute BBC World News update. Here's the link to see the latest one minute update, at any time of day (it will probably be different from what we watched in class):
Finally, at the end of the news brief section, we watched Westview Wildcat News, which is available here to watch again:
Activism Project/Work Time: The rest of class was dedicated to working on the Activism Project, which is where students choose to identify a cause that they care about and create a poster or brochure explaining why and how people could be involved. Here's the assignment sheet that I passed out earlier this month:
This assignment will be due the last day we meet before break, which is next class, on December 20th. If you are leaving before that day for break, you will need to turn it in before.
Generally, students can choose almost anything that they want to, but I do want to hear about the issue before embarking on too much work. We will set aside a fair amount of class time before the break to do this, and I will provide large sheets of paper, but if a student wants to go above and beyond in working on the project at home or with a poster board, that is obviously great as well.
Some examples of student choices are:
Climate Change
Animal Rights
Gun Issues
Immigration/Border Issues
Human Trafficking
College Tuition
Some examples of student choices are:
Climate Change
Animal Rights
Gun Issues
Immigration/Border Issues
Human Trafficking
College Tuition
Thanks for your continued work and engagement with the Civil Rights unit! We will keep at it next class. Here's our schedule for our next classes until break:
December 18 (above): Activism Project Work Time (final day)
December 20: Activism Project presentations/gallery walk/Unfinished Business with Civil Rights
Grade Check: As students were working on the Activism Project posters, I went around and checked in with everyone about their grade in class and what, if anything, could be done to improve it as we approach Semester 1 finals after the break. I look forward to seeing everyone next class, for one last time before 2019!
December 18 (above): Activism Project Work Time (final day)
December 20: Activism Project presentations/gallery walk/Unfinished Business with Civil Rights
Grade Check: As students were working on the Activism Project posters, I went around and checked in with everyone about their grade in class and what, if anything, could be done to improve it as we approach Semester 1 finals after the break. I look forward to seeing everyone next class, for one last time before 2019!
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