Thursday, March 20, 2014

Civil Rights, Day 5 - Class Recap

In 2011, I went to San Francisco for Spring Break (my brother was living there at the time) and took this picture.

Hello everyone,

Welcome to Spring Break! I know that I am certainly looking forward to resting up a bit and coming back with an abundance of energy! Here's what we did today:

Learning Targets Addressed:
SS.HS.KN.ALT.17: I can explain the process of change and continuity in a society, place or region.
SS.HS.KN.ALT.19: I can explain the role and impacts of social hierarchies.
SS.HS.CO.ALT.01: I can organize ideas in a logically sequenced manner and in a way that is appropriate to the content area.

Soundtrack: “Come & Get It” by Selena Gomez. Selected because I think just about everyone is ready for Spring Break. Lyrics here.

AGENDA 3/20/14:
News Brief
Little Rock Nine
Murdered for the Movement
Activism Project

Homework: Have a great Spring Break! Revise historical investigation, if needed! Read the blog! Next news brief: Emily.

News Brief: Jack selected this story to talk about: - 100 Immigrants Found in Houston Stash House. I talked a little about immigration issues, not just here in the United States, but around the world.

We also chatted for a little bit about what we were up to over the break. I hope you all are safe and have fun while resting up!

Little Rock Nine: I gave the class a few minutes to finish the reading on the Little Rock Nine, then had everyone answer these two questions:

1) Why do you think Elizabeth Eckford encountered such a hostile reaction when she arrived at Central High School?
2) How did societal hierarchies connect to the events surrounding the integration of Central High School?

I will use these in relation with the "Early Struggles" responses to assess your proficiency with the societal hierarchies learning target.

Murdered For The Movement: Next, we did an activity which involved everyone taking on the persona of someone that had been murdered as a part of the Civil Rights Movement. Each student had someone (or multiple people connected by the same case) different. The point of this was to showcase various different stories, like Emmett Till's, of what happened and how little justice there was for the families of the victims.

Activism Project: Finally, at the end of class, I passed out the Activism Project and explained what I am looking for. During Spring Break, I want you to select an idea that you might want to do. Nothing more - this whole project is not homework over the break. We will keep working on it when we get back. If you missed class, or wanted to see a copy of the assignment again, here it is:

This is pretty free-ranging in terms of what you might want to select. Just try to make it something you are passionate about, please! Let me know if I can help, or if you want to run ideas by me in the comments!




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